Saturday, 21 November 2009

I drink Pinot Noir and Poetry for my Breakfast

Its been a while since I did any blogging so it is a rather daunting but exciting task scribing my first blog on here. But how do I start? Do I introduce myself? Should I find one of those long-winded questionnaires that used to haunt me around Hotmail and Facebook? Do you want to know my starsign? My favourite colour? What animal I would be if I was going to be an animal? I feel that would be laboriously dull and not really a true reflection of me so I'll give a bit of background:

I am Laura but am more fondly known by many friends as Trev or Trevor, so I often combine the two to form Trevora hence the inserted middle name. I grew up in the suburbs of the amazing city of Manchester, a place which I love and adore. I am proud to be from a place with such musical and political heritage and with such friendly people. It is a city full of beauty and emotion, a wonderful place to pound the streets and lose yourself in your thoughts. There is a magnificence in the dingy alleyways, sticky-floored pubs and grand facades.
However, I am currently located in the biggest city in Scotland: Glasgow. It is not dissimilar to Manchester with its industrial, political and musical past, which made it easy for me to feel at home. I emigrated up here in the pursuit of furthering my knowledge of the world - I am in my fourth and final year of University reading History. It was not my intended subject but fortunately it chose me. It seems to have followed me around until I realised that it was my true love and we were meant to be together. The day that the epiphany came, my life was changed and enriched forever, instantly becoming sublime.
If it wasn't for my friends I would not be the Lady I am today - quite literally! I own the official title of Lady due to a friend giving me a present of a quadrant in a Scottish estate. They make my life more interesting and guide me through it.

Music, films, food, reading, learning and traveling are my passions in life.

In my blogs I intend to write aimlessly about pointless things, as well as current affairs and things I believe in, alongside the odd description of my life.

As for the title to this blog, I don't drink wine and eat words for my breakfast but a wonderfully talented woman called Nadeah Miranda does, so check her out:
She is an amazing songwriter, vocalist and performer. I have never seen an artist or band better than her/The loveGods. Her voice is enticing and by the end of one of her performances it is impossible not to have fallen under her spell.
This shameless advertising for musicians, programmes and organisations which I love will feature heavily in my blogs, so I apologise now. I just have a lot of passion and I like to share it.

I hope this gives you a little insight into me as a person and what my future publications will be like.

Enjoy and keep shining,

Trevora x