Good storytellers are the ones that change their voices for the different characters, change the tone for the scary parts, the pace for the suspenseful crescendos and the heartbreaking cliffhangers. To go to a Nadeah gig is to be told a good story. You have the highs and lows of an adventure, the emotional trauma of heartbreak and deceit along with joy of new love and self discovery. You literally end up walking the streets with a bright green polar bear, drinking wine and eating poetry with three bears, feeling your relationship stumbling out of your hands and annoyance at yourself and those who don't accept you. Each song is performed with different ferocity, tone and charm, meaning you are not told the story, you are taken there. This is a talent few musicians, artists, or film makers have, but Nadeah does. She has the ability to make it feel like she is singing just to you - you are the only one in the room that understands that song and she knows it and you know it - like being very publicly but secretly serenaded. Her words penetrate as if you know exactly what she means.

I was fortunate enough to experience this again when I saw Nadeah perform at the Royal Albert Hall, Elgar Room at the end of January. As always, she was backed by talented musicians and managed to enrapture the room with her catchy tunes, hypnotic moves and raw emotion. She played an ecliptic mix of rocky tunes, jazz numbers, and piano ballads. I relished hearing 'Ain't No Time' and 'I Met a Man' fresh from her lips along with some old favourites - particularly 'Scary Carol'. Nadeah interacted with the audience performing to every corner of the room. Her presence on stag is formidable, and clearly she has mastered the art of captivating her audience. It was a shame that a few members of the audience were rather reluctant to get up and join in, but I think the majority were won over. And lets not forget her voice was INCREDIBLE. It was smooth, rough, loud, quiet, sensual and mean. She has such power and gentility in her vocal and physical performance, that it is hard to understand why this artist is not performing on a bigger stage.
Nadeah told a great story that night, which hopefully converted many new fans to the extremely talented singer-songwriter. Below are some of the pictures I took that night; hopefully they captured some of the magic that was shared. I think you can tell from her facial expressions that she truly conveyed her story.